A Journey Inward

Returning to the Hearth

Banking the Fires - Exclusive Online Gathering

Sunday February 11th, 2024

9:00 am - 12:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm IST (Irish Standard Time)

In the ‘Returning to the Hearth’ Gatherings, we come together at our symbolic hearth, as an exclusive group of 16 participants, for deeper exploration of “A Journey Inward” Workshop Series.

This workshop is open to Ireland, USA, and Internationally. Must have participated in at least one of the Journey Inward Workshops

The Symbolic Significance of the Hearth

Teallach is the Irish word for hearth. The hearth was always of central importance in Celtic Society. The cottage was built around the family hearth. Turf burned there continuously day and night. It provided warmth and nourishment and was a gathering place at night for storytelling, music, mythology, and song. Fire and the hearth were always central in the rituals marking the festivals in the Celtic Calendar – Samhain, Imbolg, Beltane and Lughnasa.

We have always tried to make meaning out of the darkness. To ‘bank the fires’ means to cover the embers with ashes or cinders, to keep the fire alive. These exclusive intensives are a space to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves, to support ourselves and each other to keep the fires alive, on our personal as well as collective Journey Inward.

How will the “Returning to the Hearth” Gathering benefit me in this journey?

During the three-hour online gatherings, we deepen into the world of the senses – awakening a more grounded authentic connectedness to ourselves and bringing conscious awareness in our bodies to our presence in the world. We will open a space of supported reflection, attuning to our bodies in mindfulness meditation, embodiment practices, learning to listen to the wisdom that is held within. We will explore how the journey inward has been unfolding in our lives so far. It is an opportunity to share thoughts, ideas, inspirations, to feel supported by each other on this path of transformation. This gathering is designed as an opportunity to integrate learning arising from the workshops, and integrating it at a deeper level now in this exclusive forum.

What is staying with you from the workshops? What is resonating so far? What has been difficult? What has been inspiring and helpful?

What will the Gathering include?

It will be a facilitated space for reflection, sharing, ritual, mindfulness meditation, poetry, and music. This gathering is especially designed to deepen connection to our body and soul self, integrating learnings from the workshops so far, exploring images that are staying with you from the workshop, as well as images emerging in the gathering and dream images that have been with you, to create greater awareness in the self.

When we are in periods of transitions in our lives our dreams hold deep wisdom from our unconscious soul selves. What images are emerging from your unconscious that require attention and curiosity these days?

The inner world of soul communicates through metaphors, symbols, and images. This is why the language of dreams, mythology and poetry are so important. It resonates with us at a subtle body level.

At the Returning to the Hearth Gatherings we will explore and become curious about the images are emerging for you at this stage in the journey.

An Important Note:

This gathering is only available to past participants of the A Journey Inward Workshop Series.

The number of participants attending will be strictly limited to ensure ease of sharing and reflections.

This is not a Group Psychotherapy Forum. It is a facilitated space of engagement, and supported reflection. Everyone has unique needs, and this workshop cannot attend to those individual needs.

This gathering will not be recorded so live attendance is required.


Next Workshop + Gathering

Resting Under Brigid’s Mantle

Sunday February 4th, 2024

9:00 am - 12:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm IST (Irish Standard Time)


3-Hour LIVE Zoom Workshop

Welcome Email and Follow-Up Email

Access to the Recorded Workshop

Companion E-Workbook

CPD Certificate for Irish Professionals (3 hours)

Returning to the Hearth

Sunday February 11th, 2024

9:00 am - 12:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm IST (Irish Standard Time)


3-Hour LIVE Zoom Gathering*

Welcome Email and Follow-Up Email

CPD Certificate for Irish Professionals (3 hours)

*Please note that the gathering will not be recorded to allow for an intimate and safe space. Must attend live.


Gathering Only

Returning to the Hearth

Sunday February 11th, 2024

9:00 am - 12:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm IST (Irish Standard Time)


3-Hour LIVE Zoom Gathering*

Welcome Email and Follow-Up Email

CPD Certificate for Irish Professionals (3 hours)

*Please note that the gathering will not be recorded to allow for
an intimate and safe space. Must attend live.

Must have participated in one of the A Journey Inward Workshops.


  • Returning to the Hearth gatherings are about exploring the work on a more intimate level. This will include exploring what the workshops have brought up for each participant and allow the space for others to explore and share the depth of their findings.

  • Answer coming soon.

  • The next gathering will be scheduled on Sunday, February 11th, 2024.

    Start and finish times:  

    9 am – 12 pm (PST) Los Angeles, CA, USA / Vancouver, BC, Canada

    11 am – 2 pm (CST) Chicago, IL, USA / Regina, SK, Canada

    12 pm – 3 pm (EST) New York, NY USA / Toronto, ON, Canada

    5 pm – 8 pm (Irish ST) Ireland and UK 

    6 pm – 9 pm (CEST) Amsterdam / Berlin / Paris / Madrid

  • To register and book your place, follow this link. You will receive a welcoming letter via email 5-7 days prior to the day, which will give you more information and suggestions on what to have with you on the day to create a supportive space in your own home to embrace and enjoy this experience fully. And you will receive an email 2-3 days before with a Zoom Link for the gathering.

  • If you wish to receive notifications on up-and-coming events and access to a regular exclusive Deepening the Senses newsletter, please click below to subscribe. I post daily on Facebook and Instagram, so please click and follow me there for daily inspiration.

  • No refunds and no exchanges. The gathering will not be recorded. Please remember to attend LIVE.

About the host

Eileen Sullivan

I grew up in Connemara which is a wild and rugged on the Atlantic in the west of Ireland. I grew up in a small Gaelic (Irish) speaking community where Gaelic is still spoken today in the homes of people living there. Gaelic is an ancient language. Its traces, in written form, reach back to Ogham inscriptions on stone from the 4 th Century AD.

Gaelic is my first language. I did not speak any English until I started attending school at five years old. The region where I grew up was a major center for the work of the Irish folklore commission recording endangered folklore, mythology, sean-nos (old-style) songs, and oral literature. My own development, my soul self, has been greatly influenced by that physical landscape, and by being immersed in those ancient songs, stories, customs, myths, legends, and music since I was a child.

This is at the heart of these workshops and retreats. My desire is to share with you the experience of that ancient Celtic culture and spirit and, as a Psychotherapist, to connect you to how that can support and nourish your own personal journey to the soul self.

I hold a Master’s degree in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, a Master’s degree in Social Work, a Degree in Social Science, a Diploma in Jungian Psychology, and a Diploma in Reflexive Supervision. These workshops have been honed and developed over a period of seven years. I am really delighted to be able to share them with you.