Born In Light
“Every beginning is a promise, born in light…”
Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise | Happy New Year
When we begin a New Year, we often think about the changes we wish to make, resolutions we want to keep, promises we hope to make, and the symbolic page we wish to turn in the chapter of our lives. We want to “blow out the old and blow in the new”, as the old Irish saying goes.
Maybe the wish is to find love, start a healthier routine, begin a new course or change jobs. Whatever it is, we often find at the heart of this wish is a yearning to be more aligned with our authentic, true selves.
To “blow out the false, and blow in the true”.
This takes great courage because to be human means to be wounded in some way. To begin anew or to have the courage to step into our true selves. This takes great courage because of those wounds.
“Blow out the old,
Blow in the new,
Blow out the false,
And Blow in the true.”
- Old Irish Saying for New Year's Eve
The Soul in Hiding
Wounds arise from the various encounters we had in the story of our lives. They involve the various blows and challenges we experienced that have shaped us. Often, because of those wounds, the soul hides not to be hurt again. We hide our authentic selves as a way to protect them. We meet life then, not fully ourselves. Sometimes, this is not conscious. Yet, we sense it. We are not quite the person we wish to be or the person we could be. From a Jungian Psychology perspective, the journey to wholeness is called the journey of ‘individuation’. It is a lifelong journey. It takes courage to step into ourselves. It involves acknowledging loss, sometimes searing loss, and meeting our fears.
Perhaps the invitation is to make that old story more conscious this coming year.
Perhaps the invitation is to risk being more and more ourselves, in whatever big or small ways we might do that.
Suppose it is a new love that you wish for, a real authentic love, then risk being real and authentic. Risk being honest about who you are and communicating what you want. Don’t dilute it or apologise for it.
If you wish for more meaningful connections with others, challenge yourself by saying “yes” to new experiences. Risk being open to possibility.
If you wish to change things, risk being scared sometimes, as you grow, risk being uncomfortable. Risk letting yourself be seen. Our society yearns for real meaningful connections so choose this year to have a meaningful connection, maybe first and foremost, with yourself. Let that shine out of you as you connect with others. Shine from that authentic place in yourself.
“One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these -- to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.”
The Soul Seen
Something interesting starts to happen when we do this in our lives. We start to give others the courage and permission to do the same. Something starts to shift. We are all on a path, trying to connect more honestly and truthfully to the exiled parts of ourselves. We recognise that vulnerability in others and others see it in us. Thats a good thing. So, it will be scary at first. Expect that, but also meet it in the service of Honoring yourself because it it is a beautiful gift, not just to yourself but to the world around you, too.
Míle Buíochas | A Thousand Thanks
I want to take this opportunity to thank you and to say Athbhliain faoi mhaise, Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your wonderful company this year and for all your kind messages, too. Thank you to those who joined me at my Deepening the Senses programs and followed me on my social media pages.
I have met some wonderful people this year from all over the world. There have been many surprise encounters, synchronicities, and rich and wonderful connections. I'm so very grateful to you all.
May this coming year bring you light, love and moments of joyful fun.
May it bring you courage, contentment, and abundance.
May it bring you closer to the heart of yourself.
May we go gently into it.
Grá agus beannacht,
Begin by Brendan Kennelly | Poetry
This poem is called Begin (1) by Irish poet and novelist Brendan Kennelly (1936-2021). He was born in Ballylongford in County Kerry. He is a beloved poet in Ireland and this poem is particularly close to the heart of many Irish people. This poem is the closing poem that features in the very first online workshop in the A Journey Inward course series - Embodiment Soul and the Celtic Spirit - Healing the Wounds of the Abandoning Self.
“Something that will not acknowledge conclusion, insists that we forever begin”
(1) The Essential Brendan Kennelly: Selected Poems by Wake Forest University Press.