Individual Services
Psychotherapy & Depth Work
My Individual Sessions and Deepening the Senses Group Work are grounded in my clinical experience and background in Psychotherapy, Wellness Coaching, Depth (Jungian) Psychology, Psychodynamic Theory and Somatic Work.
Psychotherapy is currently available for residents of Ireland/UK.
Personal Development / Depth Work Sessions are available worldwide.
I work in a process-orientated, holistic and integrative way, creating a space to explore how our past belief patterns, experiences, and unconscious can interrupt us in the here-and-now moments of our lives. Creating awareness in the body, noticing and exploring thoughts, feelings, sensations, beliefs, images, and memories, can support us in understanding the roots of complex issues and how these often unconscious processes and our past trauma can interrupt us and our life potential. I am particularly interested in intergenerational trauma and the effect this also has on our lives, our history and our present-day society.
When we speak about Wholeness, it refers to the whole person or the individual’s mind and body as a unit rather than as separate parts. In this work, we speak about integration, which refers to how these parts – the body, feelings, intellect, senses, and the inner unconscious world, all fit together and are interconnected in the self and environment. This is a process Jung referred to as individuation. For Jung, individuation involves becoming your own authentic person, with your own beliefs and ideals that might be separate from those of your parents and society. Individuation is a lifelong process involving all the choices that make you uniquely yourself—the journey to Wholeness.
Often, people do not have these parts fitting together in balance. People may drift through life with some of those parts missing, for example, being disconnected from feelings, which can cause difficulty in their relationship with themselves and others. Sometimes, due to trauma, the energy in the body becomes stuck in old patterns, which also holds them back. We can often feel exiled in ourselves, like something is missing, and we can feel cut off from our authentic expression of ourselves in the world. Usually, this is entirely outside of our awareness. In my work, we will become curious about those old patterns and how to begin to support you to make them more conscious and heal them, to help you to come into the ground of your own being - your own soul self.
Eileen’s Intention
I aim to provide a compassionate space where difficult and sometimes painful experiences and emotions can be heard, felt and healed. A space for you to feel welcomed and understood. A space to explore and deepen curiosity and wonder at your inner world and embark on a journey of self-understanding and deeper connection, that can lead to personal growth and empowerment.
It is a highly personalized process of exploring what you need support with, why you are reaching out, and the deeper unlying needs that may surface in our work together. We will explore your strengths and resources and how they can help you make the necessary changes in the patterns of your life that are no longer serving you.
We will explore setting goals more aligned with your authentic self. We look at how low self-confidence and low self-worth may be holding you back. We will explore ways to support you in cultivating self-compassion and self-acceptance. This may include support to regulate emotions as well as supporting yourself in creating more boundaries with others, and thereby enhance your relationship with yourself and those around you.
In my Depth Work, we deepen our connection to the inner world and symbolic life. To that end, I often work creatively with dream images in sessions, as well as with other images that may arise organically in the course of the session. Exploring the symbolic landscape to cultivate a greater embodied sense of connection with that inner world and soul self.
We unearth core belief systems and unconscious patterns that may also inhibit your development and growth. What stories do you tell yourself unconsciously that hinder or nourish you? In an integrative, embodied way, we explore together how to process those long-held limiting belief systems so you can feel more resourced and empowered, creating a stronger sense of internal anchor and rootedness to meet your life in greater connection and not so cut off from your authentic soul self.
Carl Jung was the first to propose the existence of the collective unconscious, the ancestral memory and experience of humanity that transcends time and culture. In my work, I explore connection to our own Gaelic Irish ancestors and that rich inner collective world. People often reach out who may have never set foot in Ireland and yet feel a connection with their Irish ancestors from a very deep place within. We will explore that collective inner world as a place of potential and an anchor into the heart of the self.
Psychotherapy is derived from the Greek "psyche" (soul) and "therapeia" (serve), which means "to serve the soul."
If you are curious and wish to explore working with me on a 1:1 basis please follow the appropriate link below.

Depth Work
Available to United States, Canada and International Clients.
Slí Anama - The Way of the Soul International Clients do not receive a diagnosis, treatment planning or insurance reimbursement. Eileen has certification in Wellness Coaching in the United States.
Available only to Ireland and UK Clients.
Eileen is accredited as a psychotherapist by the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy and the Irish Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Eileen can provide receipts, where applicable, to support reimbursement through private insurance companies in Ireland.
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“I have observed dreams and visions very carefully, and am now certain that the imagination has some way of lighting on the truth that the reason has not, and that its commandments, delivered when the body is still and the reason silent, are the most binding we can ever know."