Walking Between Worlds

Returning to the Well

Healing the Mother Wound - Mother Archetype and the Celtic Spirit

4 Month Program - February - May 2025

Available as a one time payment or payment plan.

Available to men and women.

In this Spring program, we will return to the metaphorical well that was symbolic to our ancient ancestors. The Celts viewed water as sacred, and it sprang forth from the earth, from the mother goddess herself.  We will return to the well, to this gift from a divine world, to support ourselves and connect to the nurturing aspects of the mother within in the service of our own lives and that of our ancestors. In this seasonal program, we will explore how the negative aspects of the mother archetypal energy can impact our development and how we can come to cultivate a more integrated relationship with the nurturing aspect of that mother energy in order to move towards wholeness and heal it. 

In the depths of darkness, in winter, we yearn for the returning light.  In some Irish mythological stories, the Cailleach, the ancient crone, the goddess of winter, at the beginning of spring, turns herself into the Iníon Buí, ‘the yellow daughter’, and transforms into Brigid.  

In this very first Walking Between Worlds Spring program, we will explore the mother archetype in our own lives. This is the most universally recognised archetype of the feminine in our culture. In Jungian Psychology, the mother archetype is associated with the qualities of nurturing, protection, loving care and compassion.  

The mother goddesses were central in Irish Mythology. Danú was the mother of the Tuatha de Danann, the supernatural race in celtic mythology who lived in the sídhe, the mounds and hills of Ireland, under the earth. Danú was known as the earth mother. She was associated with abundance, nature, the cycle of the seasons and fertility. She was the keeper of the land. Other celtic mythical mothers such as Ernmas, who was mother to Ériú, Banba and Fódla, all deeply connected to the land in Ireland. The name for Ireland, Éire, comes from the goddess Ériú. 

The mothers of celtic mythology embody many attributes. They symbolized the landscape, some were associated with magic, warriors and war, others with fertility and the qualities of creativity, abundance, and without question, the world of nature, the source of life itself.  

The mother archetype is also central to our journey of individuation. Building a relationship with that nurturing inner mother potential is essential in our psychological development in order to support us on our path to wholeness and self actualization.

Returning to the Well

Healing the Mother Wound - Mother Archetype and the Celtic Spirit

The Shadow Aspect

Every archetype is a potential and every archetype has two sides, the positive side and the negative side. The mother archetype is no different. - On the one hand it nurtures and protects and on the other it can devour and suffocate.

This series explores both aspects, so we can come to know our own personal and ancestral story with this archetype, both shadow and light, and become curious and engage consciously with how it impacts us daily and how we can come to understand and thereby change and heal it for this generation and the generations to come.

    • Potential for dependency and enmeshment with one’s own personal mother.  

    • Tending and filling the well of others before our own.

    • Possessiveness in the relationship with one’s personal mother, finding it difficult to establish one’s separate ground, one’s own separate identity.  

    • Difficulty pulling away from the influence of one’s own personal mother, to begin one’s own journey of individuation. 

    • Comparison - not feeling good enough, often being compared to others and comparing oneself to others.

    • Self-blaming and a very punitive internal self-critic.

    • Feelings of guilt and shame for wanting more and having more than one’s own mother or ancestors had.

    • Making oneself small, minimizing one’s achievements so as not to stand out. 

    • Self-sabotage and self-betrayal.

    • Difficulty in trusting oneself and expressing one’s true feelings and authentic self.

What is the seasonal program?

This four-month program engages with the Celtic world and spirit. It is set up so you will have weekly content to explore in digestible amounts and a monthly LIVE workshop to deepen your understanding of the concepts and ideas arising and share and hear from others to uncover what is resonating in the collective and what generates curiosity and wonder. This mix of videos and group work aims to enhance your learning experience while providing content to return to throughout the month.

Each month builds upon the next, exploring another aspect of the Mother Archetype and allowing you to fully experience, reflect, learn and heal from the mother wounds in your life.

  • Nurturing a Relationship with the Embodied Mother archetype -  your sensing, feeling Self.

    Honoring the feminine in our lives, is to return to the wellspring of the body. Brigid is the patroness of childbirth, associated with motherhood, birthing anew, a new life.  As goddess, Brigid kindles the flame of intuition and inspiration, lighting the fires of poetry and creativity. 

    To return to that well, we must return to the feeling body, something that we are often estranged from in our society and in the mother wound. 

  • Understanding the Shadow in the Ancestral Wounding 

    Every archetype is a potential and every archetype has two sides, the positive side and the negative side. The mother archetype is no different. - On the one hand it nurtures and protects and on the other it can devour and suffocate.

    This program explores the shadow aspect  of the great mother archetype so we can come to understand it in our ancestral and personal story and how we can consciously support ourselves in it. We will look at the importance of establishing boundaries as we come to know the ancestral wounding in the stories of our lineage so we can make it conscious and begin to re-mother ourselves.

  • Returning to the Source - Cultivating the Divine Mother Within

    Core to the mother wound is the belief “I am not enough” “ I am not good enough”. Sometimes in our lives we experience the pain of those beliefs and are triggered - which means the early pain is awakened in the present day. We experience intense emotions that are uncomfortable and hard to soothe. 

    In this month’s exploration, we will look at how to support ourselves in our triggered places at vulnerable times with the support of our compassionate inner mother. We will explore the pain of comparison and competition, the experience of parentification and the impact of this on our development. We will explore how to cultivate a good enough mother within.

  • Honoring the Story of the Ancestors

    This month, we will explore the emotions of shame and guilt in relation to stepping into our separate ground. Often, unconsciously, there is great guilt in stepping out and growing beyond, where our mothers and foremothers went.

    We may also experience difficulty embracing abundance and success as a result. Unconsciously, we might also sabotage ourselves, or continue to make ourselves 'small' rather than embrace our unique gifts and our lives more fully. 

    We will explore how to consciously meet this aspect of the mother wound so we can celebrate ourselves, honor our lineage, and embrace our authentic life.

You will learn…

… how to gain insight into your relationship with the mother archetype and mother wound on your psychological journey. 

… how to better understand the intergenerational impact of the negative mother archetype in your life and in the broader culture and society we live in.

… how to support yourself in changing your relationship with yourself and others.

… about the mother figures of Irish mythology, folklore, ancient stories, and poetry. You will engage with those stories in an embodied way to enrich your life journey.

… what it means to have a symbolic inner well where you can tend to that inner space with nourishment, compassion and love of self. 

… to cultivate an embodied relationship with your intuition, inner knowing, creativity and self-trust. 

… the power of a collective group experience when exploring the inner workings of the soul and the power of sanctuary.

  • Depth psychotherapy research, theories and practices, somatic psychotherapy, psychology and neuroscience, Celtic mythology, ancient Gaelic wisdom in folklore and stories, the medium of poetry, art images, symbol and metaphor.

Each month will include:

  • Introduce Monthly Theme: At the beginning of the month, share a 30-minute pre-recorded video on the monthly theme to explore ideas, images, and reflections from the world of Depth psychology, philosophy, literature, Irish folklore, and poetry. We will explore the emotions that are stirring within the specific month’s theme and how this learning can be a rich source of knowledge to support us in developing a relationship with our inner world and soul self.  

  • In the second section, we will deepen into story and mythology. You will receive a video that is a visual meditation of sweeping footage of the Irish landscape. You will hear stories from mythology or Irish folklore to deepen into  myth, ancient customs and practices of the ancient gaelic world, drawing on somatic practices  throughout to support you in your body, to enhance this visual experience. For our ancestors, the world of storytelling, poetry, songs, and folktales shared around the hearth at night provided an escape from a harsh existence—an escape that brought them into the unseen world of imagination, psyche, and spirit. We will become curious about what images are stirring our own imagination today from these ancient stories and images, and deepen our relationship to our soul selves.

  • An Immersive Experience Live and Recorded.  2 hour facilitation per month (total 8 hour live facilitation) 

    The Sunday Sanctuary Gathering draws on the features of all the Deepening the Senses workshops and includes ritual, mythology/folklore/ music, and poetry. It will be a space of reflection and exploration, a space for sharing and mutual learning. This space aims to create and cultivate a community of like-minded individuals who are on a path of discovery and self-development.

  • You will receive a video where we capture the essence of the learning from this module sharing also rich reflections, images and learnings from the collective experience of the group. In this week, we explore how you will bring this learning forward into your daily life.  We will have a closing ritual for this piece of the program. 


    Each month, a downloadable workbook (6-10 pages) will be available. It will explore the monthly theme, offer exercises to deepen the experience and provide a space to note your experience through awareness, journal invitations, and personal reflection.


    For Irish Mental Health Professionals*, a monthly Continuing Professional Development Certificate will be available for download. (*If you are not an Irish Professional, you may check if your association will approve the certificate.)


    I will send out an email each week that includes the relevant weekly links and allows you to break down the theme’s intentions with Journal prompts, reflections, and goals based on the monthly theme/workbook prompts. 


    A Focal Gaeilge/ Irish Word will accompany the theme via the weekly email to deepen your connection to the work, the word, the Irish ancestors, and the topic through the lens of the Gaelic language and Depth psychology. 


    • FEBRUARY 16th, 2025

      9am PST | 10am MST | 11pm CST | 12pm EST
      5pm Irish ST

    • MARCH 16th, 2025

      9am PST | 10am MST | 11pm CST | 12pm EST
      5pm Irish ST

    • APRIL 13th, 2025

      9am PST | 10am MST | 11pm CST | 12pm EST
      5pm Irish ST

    • MAY 18th, 2025

      9am PST | 10am MST | 11pm CST | 12pm EST
      5pm Irish ST

  • All workshops, courses, programs and products are designed to support your personal development. They are not designed to diagnose, prescribe or recommend any specific psychological, psychiatric or physical health interventions. Anyone engaging in this work agrees to take responsibility for their own personal wellbeing and should they need to consult an individual licensed, qualified healthcare professional, they will do so at their own discretion.

  • Yes! The mother wound impacts both men and women. A son who may have a mother wound felt as a child that he had to focus on his mother's needs and became an adult before his time. It was hard to be separate and to have one's own separate path. Often then, in adulthood, it feels difficult to be assertive and have clear boundaries. 

    They often felt controlled and felt their mother's emotions were their responsibility. 

    This course will explore how this impacts both men and women and how you can begin to support yourself to heal it.