New Series!

A Journey Inward

A Journey Inward is a series of workshops that explores the Self Abandonment Wound and how to support yourself to heal the wound of unworthiness and embrace life— mind, body and spirit.


Many of us carry wounds from childhood. When we speak about trauma, what we mean is that the natural rhythm of our nervous system was in a state of overwhelm, and our innate survival mechanism (our limbic system) was activated in order to keep us safe. Where this becomes difficult in adulthood is when this survival mode becomes locked in the body as memory. This happens because the support just wasn’t there in childhood to process it. The survival pattern becomes deeply ingrained, keeping us stuck in anxiety and fear, and patterns of behavior that are not in support of our growth. This impacts how we engage with the world and how we remain disconnected from our authentic self.

To self-abandon is one such survival mechanism or coping strategy. This is where we place the needs of others before our own to try to maintain connection, acceptance and validation in order to feel safe. This is a survival mechanism practiced and perfected since childhood and can often be outside of our awareness. This is problematic because it leads us to abandon the heart of ourselves, our authentic selves. When we over-value the needs of others before our own we are eroding a sense of self and our sense of worth. This is because at the core of this wound is the unconscious belief that “I am not worthy of love and care”.

What is Self Abandonment?

We self-abandon when we ignore our inner voice, are highly self-critical, find it difficult to set boundaries, and say ‘no’. We self-abandon when we minimize our feelings and avoid asking for what we need. We are hyper-vigilant of others, watching for any change in mood, feeling that another person’s moods are our fault and our job to fix. We are frequently in states of anxiety, and not at ease.

We imagine we will be abandoned in close intimate relationships. When we deny our needs in relationships, we can feel (sometimes unconsciously) very resentful and hurt and this is communicated indirectly in a myriad of ways that can erode trust and safety in relationship. We can also feel shame too for having needs, which also leads to resentment. There is shame about feeling ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’. This erodes relationships and basic self-trust.

This is highly stressful on a day-to-day basis. There is no capacity to feel at ease or to relax. There is no space to drop down into our creative heart center in the body, to ‘play’ and feel the flow of life through us. There is no space to feel contentment and the fullness of life all around us. We are locked instead in fear, self-doubt, hypervigilance, and shame.

These workshops can be taken as a stand alone workshop or as a series of workshops. A Journey Inward was developed to support you to understand the patterns of self-abandonment and find ways to support and resource yourself to begin to heal it.

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