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The Returning of Light

Deepening the Senses – Lá Bríde (Brigid’s Day)-‘The Returning of Light’ Day Retreat – February 1st 2020

Imbolc marks the beginning of Spring in the Celtic tradition. It is a time of rebirth and new hope. The earth stirs from its winter slumber, the hard frosts thaw, and the first green buds and shoots appear, bringing with them the promise of transformation.

Brigid the ancient triple Goddess, is celebrated on Lá Bríde – Brigid’s Day at Imbolc. She stands on the threshold of spring invoking the archetypal energies of healing, creativity, imagination, and poetry, as well as symbolizing the alchemical fires of the forge and of transformation. She is said to breathe life into the mouth of the dead winter. In the Celtic tradition, in Samhain, the Cailleach, the old hag of winter, made her descent into the underworld to incubate the seeds of new life. These are the seeds that will emerge at Imbolc, (meaning ‘in the belly’) in the Celtic spring.

During our ‘Deepening the Senses’ Day Retreats we deepen into the world of the senses – awakening a more grounded authentic connectedness to ourselves and bringing conscious awareness in our bodies to our presence in the world. We will awaken our own creative wellspring, by learning to attune more deeply to our senses, drawing on the wisdom of Brigid, of mythology, dreams, and the external landscape, attuning to the aliveness in our bodies, learning to listen to the wisdom that is held within.

So often in our lives, for many reasons, we listen more to our thoughts than we do to our embodied selves. When we learn to connect to our bodies it talks to us in the language of sensations, letting us know how we really are in every moment. When we learn to connect inward we learn how to support ourselves more fully in our lives.

The retreat takes place in the beautiful Sccul Sanctuary in Clarinbridge on the 1st of February. It includes a hot 2-course lunch, tea/coffee, and home-baked scones mid-morning. CPD certifications available (6 hours).

16 Participants

August 10


May 15

Awakening Bealtaine