Deepening the Senses ‘The Returning of Light’ Zoom Morning’s Gathering for Lá Bríde (Brigid’s Day) -29th January 2022
Imbolc marks the beginning of Spring in the Celtic tradition. It is a time of rebirth and new hope. The earth stirs from its winter slumber, the hard frosts thaw, and the first green buds and shoots appear, bringing with them the promise of transformation.
Brigid the ancient triple Goddess, is celebrated on Lá Bríde – Brigid’s Day at Imbolc. She stands on the threshold of spring invoking the archetypal energies of healing, creativity, imagination, and poetry, as well as symbolizing the alchemical fires of the forge and of transformation. She is said to breathe life into the mouth of the dead winter. In the Celtic tradition, in Samhain, the Cailleach, the old hag of winter, made her descent into the underworld to incubate the seeds of new life. These are the seeds that will emerge at Imbolc, (meaning ‘in the belly’) in the Celtic spring.
During our ‘Deepening the Senses’ Day Retreats we deepen into the world of the senses – awakening a more grounded authentic connectedness to ourselves and bringing conscious awareness in our bodies to our presence in the world. In this online morning gathering, we will awaken our own creative wellspring, by learning to attune more deeply to our senses, drawing on the wisdom of Brigid, of mythology, attuning to the aliveness in our bodies, learning to listen to the wisdom that is held within.
The morning will be a space where we will create time for reflection, for our own personal development, to connect and reconnect in an embodied way to our own inner ground. We will draw on the wisdom of Brigid, and the transformational power of mythology, utilizing mindful meditation, poetry, dreamwork, and a presentation of ideas from the field of Psychotherapy, Philosophy, art, and literature that aims to inspire and support you on your own path.
16 Participants.
“Thank you so much for facilitating such a beautiful enriching experience this morning. I have come away feeling so enlivened and excited about the pathway ahead. I have been yearning for a deeper insight or connection to my inner self for awhile and this morning’s content really resonated with me. I feel like I’m just dipping my toe in the water but I am on the right pathway. I felt safe to express myself in your care and I thank you for this. I thought the women in the group were courageous and inspiring. It was a privilege to be a part of it. I look forward to the next time. Go raibh míle maith agat.”
“Thank you so much for such a deep and soulful evening on Saturday. I loved it and being in circle with you and the other women was such a special experience. I felt nurtured, and seen and witnessed. I can’t wait until the next gathering!”
“Many thanks for this. The workshop was truly divine and I will forward to joining you again.”